Every year countries around the world collect birth records to determine the most popular baby names. In Kuwait, there is no published report on the most statistically popular names but through a survey of local people and best guessing, Kuwait Moms Guide has come up with what we think are the most popular Kuwaiti names for boys and girls. We’ve listed them out with a short explanation or meaning for each.
Most popular Kuwaiti boy names
1. Mohammad محمد
Mohammad is the most popular name in Kuwait and for Muslims. It is the name of the last prophet in Islam and it literally means praiseworthy, derived from root Hamad meaning to praise and has many variations.
2. Abdullah عبدالله
Abdullah is a name that consists of two words but it is always written as one in Arabic, Abd meaning worshiper and Allah meaning God.
3. Fahad فهد
Fahad is a Jaguar in Arabic. It is common in the Arab culture to name after fierce, fast, intelligent, or beautiful animals to attribute their qualities to the person.
4. Khaled خالد
Khaled means immortal. The Kh should be pronounced like the "ch" in German.
5. Ali علي
Ali literally means high or elevated. People usually name Ali after Ali bin AbiTaleb the cousin of prophet Mohammed (pbuh).
6. Yousef يوسف
Yousef or Yusuf is the Arabic equivalent of the English Joseph.
7. Ahmed أحمد
Ahmed is a variation of Mohammed and is pronounced with a sharp h.
8. Abdulazizعبدالعزيز
Abdulaziz also consists of two words Abd is worshiper and Al Aziz is one of the 99 names of Allah and it means the honorable.
9. Faisal فيصل
Faisal means the separator between good and evil. It could also mean sword. Pronunciation tip: do not pronounce the s as a z.
10. Bader بدر
Bader means full moon. Arab were fascinated with astronomy and many of their names are relate to astronomy.
Most popular Kuwait girl names:
1.Fatma فاطمة
Also Fatima,The daughter of prophet Mohammed and is one of the four female names mentioned in Quran.
2.Mariam مريم
Or Maryam is the mother of prophet Isa and is one of the four female names mentioned in Quran. Its English equivalent is Mary.
3.Hussa حصة
Hussa means share (noun) in formal Arabic and in Kuwaiti and Khaleeji dialects it means a rare kind of bright pearl. The name is exclusively used in the Gulf region.
4. Sherifa شريفة
Sherifa is derived from Sharaf which means honor and virtue.
5. Sara سارة
Sara is the wife of prophet Ibraheem. The name is not Arabic.
6. Reemريم
Reem is a white antelope
7. Aisha عايشة
Aisha literally means "She who lives" and it usually means living a prosperous and comfortable life.
8. Dalalدلال
Means coquettishness.
9. Lulwa (also Lulu) لولوة (لولو)
Lulwa means a pearl and is more common in the Gulf region. Lulwa is sometimes also named Lulu and it means pearls (plural).
10. Shaikha شيخة
Shaikha has the same meaning in English. The name is common in the Gulf region.
What do you think, moms? Did we get it right? Email us at [email protected] what you think. What names are right on the money and which ones are missing from the list? We’ve also noticed a growing trend of parents naming their children non-traditional names like Adam or Selma. What do you think? Which names would you like to see in this list next year? And what are your favorite Kuwaiti baby names?