The shop carries a wide variety of instructional books, puzzles, beads, games, posters, blocks, stamps, stickers, popsicle sticks, pipe cleaners, puppets, felt, markers, paints, glitter and more. I loved the puppets and the popsicle sticks (whch for some reason, I haven't found elsewhere in Kuwait).
The shop is a bit difficult to find if you aren't familiar with Muthana complex but its just above the Pizza Hut on the Mezzanine level so ask for the Pizza Hut if you get lost. Store hours are from 9am-1pm and 4pm to 7:30pm, Saturday through Thursday.
The Teacher's Cellar
Al-Muthanna complex- Kuwait City
Mezzanine floor showroom no. 102 (Above Pizza Hut)
Telephone: (965) 2246-1410/1