On the first day she took around 230 photos. By the end of the second day, I downloaded almost 500. Around a third are too blurred to see clearly but the rest turned out great. They are mostly of ordinary objects but I think they are extraordinary because they reveal what she sees.
Through her camera, I'm learning more about her and what she thinks. I realize that she is her own person, with her own experiences and her own view of the world. But I often fail to take this into account in the midst of the daily errands, etc. When I looked through her photos, I was surprised at how many things she had captured that I never even noticed. I don't mean to say she's a photographic genius or anything. She's a normal, curious kid with what is essentially a new toy. But her perspective is uniquely her own and I feel privileged to have a window into it.
In order to scaffold the experience and enrich her learning, I'm planning on creating photos books (copying four photos to a Word doc and then printing them out and stapling them together) and letting her write the captions and short, simple stories using the photos. I would love to hear other ideas too.
(All photos by Safyre, aged 5, taken in Kuwait.)