1. The New Spring Bazaar 2015 at the Salwa Al Sabah Hall in Salmiya (Marina Crescent) Organized by @kpmmpgroup Telephone: 6644-7745 or 9946-9944
2. TES Parents Association Spring Bazaar at the TES campus from 2pm-5pm. Entrance fee: KD 1 adults; 500 fils for children (under 14). Games, baked goods, bouncy castles, activities, face painting, crafts and food. Mousad al Azmi Street, Blk 12, Salmiya
3. Mother’s Day exhibit at @mall360, ground floor from 10am to 10pm.
4. Kuwait Dino Park open at Mishref Fairgrounds, hours from 4-11pm. Entrance KD 4 per person.
SATURDAY, March 14
5. Global Art Forum at Dar Al Athar Al Islamiyya on technology and art. Saturday sessions from 4pm to 7:30pm.
6. American Baccalaureate School Charity Carniv al, Circus Days, from 11am-4pm at the ABS Campus. Games, food, activities, haunted house, shops, magician, cartoon characters, local vendors. Telephone: 2479-1791 ext. 3009/3300
7. Bark in the Park with @kspathq8 at KOC Ahmadi South Public Park from 1pm-6pm. Fun and games for dogs and their humans, prizes and music. Entrance fee: KD 3 for adults; KD 2 for children; KD 3 for dogs. Game tickets 500 fils. Mobile #6700-1622
8. Sami Mohammad: A Retrospective, the first in-depth survey of over fifty years of work by the pioneering Kuwaiti sculptor opens at CAP Kuwait in Industrial Shuwaikh from 6pm-9pm. @capkuwait Telephone: 2492-5636