Inaugurated in February 2013, the park art is the concept of local artist Bader al Mansour (check out photos from his most recent exhibit, Saduing) and Faisal al Obaid. It was featured in local press back during the opening but for those moms who haven't been, its still worth a visit. (You can also check out Kuwait Moms Guide's full list of parka and playgrounds.)
The artists used scraps including automobile tires, computer parts, bolts, washers, screws, exhaust fan parts and other junk to create installations including a giant sea turtle, a lounge chair made from discarded keyboards, a Mona Lisa replica, flower arrangements, a duck and turtle pond, and a giant tree constructed of tires.
Organized by the Kuwait Institute for Scientific Research, the park showcases the talent and creativity of local artists while also providing a lovely outdoor space for visitors. It has lately fallen into disrepair and some of the art has been vandalized or destroyed. There is still much to see, however, and also a small playground with climbing structures and swings for the kids.
Located in Yarmouk, block 2 close to the mosque.